Bird Brains

2022 – present

The English language is full of idioms that refer to birds, beginning with the expression “bird brain.” This series of wall sculptures – inspired by these birds – is a glossary of logical fallacies and cognitive biases that are so pervasive they have inspired sayings, stories, or metaphors.

Continuing my ongoing exploration of faulty perception, “Bird Brains” matches entries in the cognitive bias codex with the birds that best exemplify them. From black swan theory – a mistaken belief that something is impossible – to the duck test (“if it swims like a duck…”), to the proverbial canary in the coal mine, I tap into colloquial language to highlight the ways we misconstrue the world.

Since 2022, research for Bird Brains has inspired wall sculptures on birch panels. In 2023, I began making mixed media fiber sculptures. A metaphor for my yearning to bridge these gaps in understanding, these works combine materials from disparate chapters of my life: horsehair and leather from Texas; fashion prototyping fabric from Paris; sumi ink and washi paper from Japan. In homage to the multiculturalism of New York, I use the endlessly versatile material of thermoplastic to create repeating elements that are sometimes mounted sideways like glass fins on rigid surfaces, other times sewn like textured feathers into fabric and leather or piercing translucent organza.

Bird Brains research on the studio wall